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Change Leadership: Developing Strategic Gap Analysis in Miro


Question 3

GAP Analysis must include how we are going to achieve the goals in the TO BE state

1 / 1 point

Correct! well done

Question 7

Recalling some of the next steps in change planning, to get from (As is) to the (To be) state there are forces that are pulling in opposite direction that will be affecting how the solution is developed down the line to implement change


Correct! Well done!

Question 1

Remembering the work in completing the GAP Analysis. What was the [TO BE] state outcome for the factor [Transactional leadership]?


Correct! The owner needs to inspire and empower his team

Question 2

After you completed your GAP analysis, you want to export it and include it in a presentation to stakeholders. Which formats Miro supports when Exporting diagrams?


Fantastic! You can export to multiple formats in Miro

Question 3

To get to the (To be) state for a factor which is (What ) the end result would be. A project or an initiative needs to take place to get to that state. Therefore, each (To be) state can be an individual project the organization need to undertake to achieve what the end state should be


Well done! Each transition could involve multiple teams and require a formal project to complete (please review task 7 for key points)

Question 4

Gap Analysis should come before other business change analysis


Correct! Fantastic!

Question 5

You are practicing the creation of GAP analysis for a case study you found online and some important points you need to watch out for includes:


Correct! multiple biases can affect the ability to uncover factors in the GAP analysis

Question 6

Business culture, politicking, habits are easier to change for a businesses in change initiatives


Correct! They are harder especially if they have been imbedded within the organisation for too long

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