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Step Wise Project Planning

Planning is the most difficult process in project management. The framework described is called the Stepwise method to help to distinguis...

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The SEI-CMM Model

The SEI-CMM Stands for Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model.
The CMM was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of the university in USA which is engaged on a long term program of software process improvement, and then came to be known as SEI-CMM.

SEI Level of Maturity
SEI Level Of Maturity

Level 1 (Initial) - The organization whose success depends on individual effort and processes are not defined and document come under this level.

Level 2 (Repeatable) - Here, company defines the basic management practices such as tracking cost;schedule and functionality are established but not the procedures of doing it.

Level 3 (Defined) - The organization wide software process includes management and engineering procedures. These procedures are well defined, documented, standardized and integrated.

Level 4 (Managed) - At this level, the focus is on software metrics.

Level 5 (Optimized) - By using the quantitative feedback from the process in placed, exploring new ideas and technologies. 

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