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Step Wise Project Planning

Planning is the most difficult process in project management. The framework described is called the Stepwise method to help to distinguis...

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PERT ( Program Evaluation Review Technique )

The Program Evaluation Review Technique is a network model that allows for randomness in activity completion times. It has the potential to reduce both the time and cost required to complete a project.

Network Diagram
In a project, an activity is a task that must be performed and an event is a milestone marking the completion of one or more activities.

Before an activity can begin, all of its predecessor activities must be completed.

PERT originally was an activity on arc network, in which the activities  are represented on the lines and milestones on the nodes.

Steps in PERT planning :-

  1. identify the specific activities and milestones
  2. determine the proper sequence of the activities
  3. construct a network diagram
  4. estimate the time required for each activity 
  5. determine the critical path
  6. update the PERT chart as the project progresses
Expected time = ( optimistic + 4*Most likely + Pessimistic )
Advantages :-
  • expected project completion time
  • probability of completion before a specified date
  • the critical path activities that directly impact the completion time
  • activity start and end dates
Disadvantages :-
  • the activity time estimates are somewhat subjective and depend on judgement
  • even if the activity times are well estimated, PERT assumes a beta distribution for these time estimates, but the actual distribution may be different.

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