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Step Wise Project Planning

Planning is the most difficult process in project management. The framework described is called the Stepwise method to help to distinguis...

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Web 2.0

It describe world wide websites that emphasis user generated content usability & interoperatability.

A web 2.0 site allow users to interact with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user generated content in a virtual community.

The content of both were generated dynamically from content stored in a relational database allowing for reader to commit directly on pages.
Eg- Social Networking sites, blogs, video sharing sites etc.

Characteristics -
1) Rich user experience - Dynamic content responsive to user input
2) User Participation - Information flows two way between site owner and site user, by means of evaluation review and commenting site users add content for other to see.
3) Software as a service - Web 2.0 sites developed API to allow automated usage such as by an application.
4) Mass Participation - Universal, we access leads to differentiation of concerns from the traditional internet user base.

Technologies -

  • The client side ( web browser ) technology used in web 2.0 development include AJAX & JAVA SCRIPT
  • The data fetched by an AJAX request is formatted in XML or JSON ( Java Script Object Notation ) format
  • The allow website & web service to share machine readable format such as XML & JSON
  • On the server side web 2.0 uses many programming language like Php, Python, Microsoft.Net etc.
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