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Step Wise Project Planning

Planning is the most difficult process in project management. The framework described is called the Stepwise method to help to distinguis...

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   1)      SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol
   2)      SOAP is a XML based messaging protocol
   3)      SOAP has a standard specification
   4)      SOAP is just a protocol not an architecture style
   5)      SOAP based web service can be implement in REST style
   6)      SOAP based implementation is complex
   7)      SOAP uses interface & operations to expose business logic
   8)      SOAP is a large scale business
   9)      SOAP has specification for state full implementation
   10)  SOAP does not has any controlling over consumer and provider

   1)      REST stands for Representation State Transfer
   2)      It is not a protocol but it is on architecture based
   3)      There is none specification for REST
   4)      Whole of the web server based on REST style architecture
   5)      REST is a concept that does not tie with any protocol
   6)      REST based implementation is simple
   7)      REST uses method like GET, PUT, DELETE etc
   8)      REST uses method for small & medium size application
   9)      REST follows stateless
   10)  REST message is self contained and help consumer in controlling the interaction between consumer & provider

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